WTIC 2111


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Ringside Comp 2


Here are the three things I had asked Mr. Filsinger about, but I did not receive a reply to any of these, nor did I post them in the GWF Guestbook:

For Corp. Aegis' finisher when used inside a cage, an unsuccessful CORPORAL PUNISHMENT roll of 9-12 would result in the foe falling out of the ring and adding 1 to his PIN, followed by a roll on the OUT OF THE RING chart. Since they are in a cage and the wrestler cannot fall out of the ring, just add one to the defensive wrestler's PIN rating and roll Level 3 Defense. Is this correct, or should the "Add 1 to his PIN rating" be ignored?

Mr. Filsinger did not reply to this, so I will go with the "Add 1" ruling.

On the WRESTLER INTERFERENCE CHART (2105), on rolls of 10 & 11 for ROLL YOUR PIN, if the offensive wrestler had used his finisher and his foe rolled on this chart and received this on his roll, do NOT add the offensive wrestler's FINISHER rating to the PIN rating of the defensive wrestler that is being pinned. Since there is a move on the roll off the interference chart ("Noggin Knocker!"), then the finisher and the rating should be cancelled and ignored. Is this correct?

I did not get a reply to this ruling, so I will go with it as it is written.

For power (pw) and agility (ag) moves, as covered on the back of the Invasion 2090 booklet, if a move is successful by a wrestler who has the same or better rating than his opponent, then go with it. However, if a wrestler's rating is NOT better than his foe's and he fails the move,
then I-G-N-O-R-E the move and reroll on that Level Offense (instead of having the opponent take over at Level 2 Offense as stated in the original rules booklet). This is a suggestion for this ruling. It seems illogical to me that a wrestler would be dumb enough to attemp the same move and fail at it several times in one match. I do not use this rule but I will if it becomes an official ruling. The downside to this revision is that it gives weaker wrestlers a much better chance of winning the match, since their failed moves would no longer be reversed.

Mr. Filsinger did not reply to this, so the original ruling is still in effect, I guess.

Well, that is everything I asked Mr. Filsinger about recently. If I send him another bunch of questions, I will post his replies here and in the GWF Guestbook. When I posted the first six questions in the GWF Guestbook, I did get a lot of replies. Check them out in the GWF Guestbook.