WTIC 2111


UPDATES | WTIC Intro | Line-up p1 | Line-up p2 | Line-up Notes | Dog Collar | Choice chart | Inj Locale | Card 1181 | Card 1190 | Card 1200 | Card 1210 | Card 1220 | Card 1230 | Card 1240 | LOTTERY | Rankings | Ringside Comp 1 | Ringside Comp 2 | House Rules | 2110 Awards | Untils | LINKS | E-MAIL ME

Here are some links for you to try:

You know what site this one goes to:


Here is my GWF federation for the year 2110:

This is a link to my WTIC 2112 web site:

This is Kevin Kasmann's site for his GWF fed. He gave me permission to use the Injury Location Chart listed on my site:

Want to see a SUPER GWF site?  Check out the great stuff on Brian Barrow's site below:

This site was built by the web site builder at Tripod. Here is a link to their site: