1--PIN RATINGS FOR TOURNAMENTS: For PIN ratings during tournaments that are being held during the same card, always start every match with the original PIN ratings. Although the wrestlers involved in a tournament will be tired from wrestling many times in one night, assume that they can get enough rest between bouts to get back to their original PIN rating. Is this correct, or should one (or more) be added to a wrestler's original PIN after each successful match? If so, shouldn't a wrestler recover more if there are a lot of matches between his last match and his next one? 
Mr. Filsinger replied: "Add ONE to PIN ratings during tournaments." 2--DOUBLE COUNT-OUTS: If the wrestler on defense is counted-out (most likely from the OUT OF THE RING chart), roll for his opponent to be counted-out also. Roll the PIN rating of the wrestler on offense for a double count-out. Mr. Filsinger did not reply to this. 3--FEUD CHART FOR SPECIAL MATCHES: For the updated feud chart (Ringside Companion 2096), it states that it is NOT to be used for special matches. Therefore, in my fed, there are NO injuries during special matches. Is this correct, or was the ORIGINAL feud chart supposed to be used for special matches ONLY? Mr. Filsinger replied: "Injuries in special matches are often stipulated as part of the match." 4--PIN RATINGS FOR DISTRACTIONS: For manager distractions on pin attempts, do NOT add one to the wrester's PIN rating if a manager successfully distracts the referee. If there was no pin attempt, then there should be no adding to the PIN rating. Although the "manager's distract" ruling is covered in the Invasion II 2089 booklet, the ruling about adding to the PIN rating on successful distractions is not. I have used this rule ever since. Is this a correct ruling? Mr. Filsinger replied: "Add ONE to PIN ratings after successful distractions." 5--BELTS CHANGING HANDS BY DQ: After watching Ric Flair cheat by getting himself disqualified almost all the time and still keep the Belt throughout the 1980's, I have a ruling that states that a champion CAN lose a Belt by disqualification. I thought it was logical that this rule would be incorporated by the year 2087. Is this a rule that most other Promoters use, or does everyone else allow Champions to keep their Belts even though they may lose several times by disqualification? Mr. Filsinger replied: "Champions should be forced to defend their Belt in a no-DQ match if they get disqualified a lot." 6--UNESTABLISHED TAG TEAM FINISHERS: For tag team matches on rolls of "(tag)" finishers (Rule #10 in Ringside Companion 2096), if the partner is NOT an established partner, assume the team executes the move as usual. The man outside the ring gets tagged in, the team executes the move, and the man that was tagged in now goes for the cover. If no pin, roll on Level 3 Offense. I have gone with this rule since 2096. This way, wrestlers with (tag) finishers can execute their finishers at full force, whether their partner is an established partner or not. Is this correct? Mr. Filsinger replied: "Your tag finisher rule sounds good." |